Romans 8:1-3
Reflect: When I think of shows like Man vs. Wild and Survivor, shows my husband seems to enjoy, I think, "Why? What's the point of putting yourself into hostile environments just to prove you can survive?" But I've been thinking about this weekend's message, and how often we come to crossroads in life where we must change our course of action in order to survive, rather than staying stuck in cycles of destructive behavior.
Picture a wild goat. He is aware of his surroundings, able to leap and bound over rocky terrain, find food and water sources, and defend himself against hostile animals. By contrast, his domesticated counterpart sleeps in a barn, chews the grass at his feet, drinks water provided for him, and lacks the vigorous survival skills of his wild cousin.
When we choose to stay stuck in cycles of negative behavior, it's like we've become domesticated. We're passively repeating old habits of sinful behavior rather than choosing to break free. It's up to us to change our course. We can do so with help from others who can show us the way, and help from the Holy Spirit within us. We can be bound by our bad habits, or leap over them and be free through Jesus.
React: Have you been living the "easier" way that lacks spiritual health and vitality? Refuse to repeat bad habits and choose positive change.
Pray: Lord Jesus, you have given your life so we can be set free from our sins. Help me to let go of bad habits that entrap me and to follow you into freedom.
From a Team of Volunteers from Eastlake Church
In Christ Alone