Saturday 29 October 2011


Reflect: The other day, I had the opportunity to hear a bestselling author describe how she knew writing was her gift from the time she was a little girl. As she grew, she made a commitment to writing--even deciding to "marry" writing. She kept her commitment to show up to write everyday. And she discovered that when she showed up for writing, writing showed up for her.

As Christians, we recognize God as the source of all our gifts, and we know he always shows up for us. When we show up to serve God, he is ready to empower us with spiritual gifts that cause good things to happen. But there are times when he is ready to make something good happen, and I have not shown up to allow him to work through me.
Showing up is as simple as sitting down to write, or picking up my camera, musical instrument, or brush. It is noticing a need and showing up ready and available to listen, love, or serve. When I show up, I can count on God to show up.
As a counselor and photographer, I am amazed at how God gives me the wisdom to solve a difficult problem, or provides that moment of light that allows me to capture something of rare beauty on film. When these things happen, I know God is doing his thing.

React: Whatever your gift, show up willing and available. Step out in faith and see what
            God does. As the saying goes, half of life is just showing up!

Pray: Lord, I accept the truth that I am gifted, needed and wanted. I won't cave in to fear.
         Instead I will show up for you, trusting you to show up for me.

From East Lake Volunteers
Listen to this as you reflect...

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